1. Unzip your download and open the ‘Creative Presets Brushes’ folder.
2. Copy all the .lrtemplate files from that folder so you can paste them later.
3. Open Lightroom and go to your preferences by clicking Lightroom in the top left and then “Preferences.”
4. In the Preferences window, click the ‘Presets’ tab at the top.
5. Under ‘Location’ click the ‘Show Lightroom Presets Folder’ button.
6. A Finder window will pop up. Open the ‘Lightroom’ folder, and then the ‘Local Adjustment Presets’ folder.
7. Paste your Lightroom Creative Presets files into this folder.
8. Quit and relaunch Lightroom.
9. You wil find your brushes under the “Adjustment Brushes” section. The icon looks like a brush/slider and can be found in the top right hand corner of your editing panel in the Develop module. You can also quickly get to the brushes by pressing ‘K’.
10. If you see a lightning bolt symbol next to your histogram in the top right of the develop module, be sure to update your profile settings by clicking on it and following the prompts. If you don’t, the brushes won’t work properly!